Friday, July 1, 2016

Desperate Syrian Refugees are the lemons that Germany should turn to lemonade

In a Desolate Spot, Desperate Syrian Refugees is the lemon that the Western Allies seeking a solution to the immigrant crisis into Europe as well as peace in the Middle East should turn into lemonade.  Germany especially and the rest of the EU should go to the point of over funding the U. N. refugee program taking care of the camps in Jordan that distributes funds directly to the refugees in a debit card form. This helicopter money, a Milton Friedman economic term, is one that allows markets to self develop, one which promote a moderate political unions more concerned about serving the people, because it's the people that pay! The over funding should come to the point that these refugees pay for city states to be built in Syria just across the border using Jordanian contractors and paying for Jordanian military protection.  The point is to funnel so much money into the area; but only directly to the consumers, no central planning please, that these city states become the utopia that attracts more refugees and take away the need to migrate to Europe.  Rather than an albatross for Jordan these Syrians are a profit center and with years of self organizing these city states will develop a yearning to go forth retake Sunni Arab Syria from ISIS all the time using Jordan's logistics resources.  

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